【同义词辨析】 2018-12-13 强势masterful-imperative

masterful: implies a strong personality and ability to act authoritatively: her ~ personality soon dominated the movement.

domineering: suggests an overbearing or tyrannical manner and an obstinate determination to enforce one's will: ~ older siblings, ordering the younger ones about.  tyrannical暴君暴政专横implies abuse of power and harsh or oppressive rule形容滥用权力,严酷高压的统治,如a new regime as tyrannical as the one it had deposed新政权和它推倒的旧政权一样暴政) (overbearing专横傲慢suggests a tyrannical manner or an intolerable insolence形容专横的态度或难以忍受的傲慢,如wearied by demands from her overbearing in-laws对她专横傲慢的公婆的要求感到厌倦)

imperious: implies a commanding nature or manner and often suggests arrogant assurance: an ~ executive used to getting his own way.

peremptory: implies an abrupt dictatorial manner coupled with an unwillingness to tolerate disobedience or dissent: a ~ style that does not allow for compromise.  dictatorial专断高压地用权implies an autocratic, high-handed and domineering manner,如a dictatorial manner that alienated her colleagues她专断高压的风格疏远了同事)

imperative: implies peremptoriness arising more from the urgency of the situation than from an inherent will to dominate: an ~ appeal for assistance.

masterful强势: 指个性强势行事权威,domineering专横: 表示态度傲慢高压的施行自己的意志,imperious也是专横: 常表示自大地命令别人,peremptory专横: 做事唐突专断不容反对,imperative迫切: 表示唐突专横是因为形势急迫,不是希望支配别人。

记忆方法: 1)首字母MDIPI写成PIMID想成TIMID胆怯<==太强势

          2)强势的意思是强行施行个人意志mean tending to impose one's will on others.